Trickster feferi
Trickster feferi

trickster feferi

When that is done she is given the pre-punched card to use, but has no idea what it does. With help from Dirk's auto-responder, Jane is able to slip into the study. She learns that Dirk is to be her server player for the game now, and that Lil' Sebastian is installing the client onto a different computer, in her father's study.

trickster feferi

Jane flies out of the house, but is saved again by God Cat. The client had the ~ATH code, and made Jane's computer explode. Before she can press enter, Roxy tells her to get away from the computer. Soon afterwards, she runs the Sburb client. Jack later attempted to finish her off, but was knocked out by the White Queen.īack on Earth, she is shown to have been saved from the explosion by God Cat (GCat), post-scratch Earth's first guardian. Shortly after, Jane's body is engulfed by light as her dream self starts to do a lifey thing fulfilling the prophecy that Jane had seen in the clouds moments earlier and proving herself to be the Maid of Life. However before she is able to do anything, Jack Noir appears in her room and kills her dream self. She then wakes up on Prospit, watches Skaia's clouds, and fondly regards the miracle of a new beginning. When she scampers off to her mailbox to see if it has arrived, she is engulfed in flames due to an explosion, marking the end of ACT 6 ACT 1. Jane awaits the arrival of the Sburb Alpha. Her dream self on Prospit has also woken up very shortly before the release of Sburb Alpha, and she witnessed dream Jake's funeral. Because of her status, attempts have been made on her life recently, causing her dad to ground her. Jane is the heiress and biggest fan of the company Crockercorp. Jane's denizen is Hemera, as indicated by her browser. It's notable that the Beast in Problem Sleuth only appeared on the other side of a Window when it was turned off, parallel to the fact that Jane Crocker was introduced shortly after the Yellow Yard was crossed and the fourth wall was broken. The image on her shirt is that of a Frightening Beast from Problem Sleuth, made into an icon resembling the one on John's Green Slime Ghost shirt. Besides, she probably would have just been given some dumb name like "Barnstench Fartface". When an attempt was made to name her, it was revealed that her name had already been given at the age of thirteen. Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 5 => (2 pp.) => (5 pp.) => (6 pp.) => (7 pp.) => (4 pp.) => (3 pp.) => (3 pp.) => (3 pp.) Jane Crocker is the post- scratch iteration of John's Nanna, living in the same location as John did in his timeline.

Trickster feferi